9 LinkedIn Marketing Hacks to Help Your Business


Did you know that LinkedIn Marketers Can Reach More Than 808 Million?

The potential audience that marketers can reach with ads on LinkedIn is estimated at just over 808 million. It’s a year-on-year increase of 11.1%.Moreover, 79% of marketers see LinkedIn as an “excellent” source for generating leads. For this reason, many businesses turn to LinkedIn to generate valuable and viable leads.Businesses can also use the network for marketing to and reaching potential customers. In fact, there are more than 1 billion interactions on LinkedIn Pages every month.

As the software behind LinkedIn post feed and search tools have evolved, our team at Premier Connect has researched and discovered the best X LinkedIn Marketing Hacks to help your business. Many people look to LinkedIn only as a job-finding tool. And that’s not the whole truth. LinkedIn provides a promising opportunity to connect with business leaders, entrepreneurs, and like-minded professionals.

What is LinkedIn Marketing?

LinkedIn has over 880 million users across the globe. The term ‘LinkedIn Marketing’ refers to the process and action of marketing to all of these users in a way where viable leads can be developed. This can involve daily posting, generating more connections, or personally reaching out to prospects.


  1. Create a Professional LinkedIn Business Page
  2. Comment, Connect, and be Courteous
  3. Accumulate Some Buzz, Let People Know What You Are Up To.
  4. Find Highly Targeted Connections.
  5. Creating Valuable and Optimized Content
  6. Post Consistently and At Optimized Times
  7. Join LinkedIn Groups
  8. Stay Away From Overpromoting
  9. Keep an Eye On The Analytics

LinkedIn Marketing Hacks

  1. Create a Professional LinkedIn Business Page:
    • One of the keys to making your business established on LinkedIn is by creating a captivating LinkedIn Business Page. The goal behind the page is to make the user want to learn more about your business, services, or products!
  2. Comment, Connect, and be Courteous:
    • The LinkedIn feed oftentimes can feel like a bragging contest. Many people use the platform to promote their accomplishments or business. Although there is nothing wrong with this, spending too much time talking about yourself can hurt your performance on the platform. Instead, take some time to scroll through your feed and congratulate others! The number of valuable relationships that come out of this will surprise you!
  3. Accumulate Some Buzz, Let People Know What You Are Up To:
    • LinkedIn Marketing Hacks If your business or organization has been up to some exciting stuff, try to give people a peek at what is going on. If you just developed a site, show some screenshots of your work. If a member joined your team or you have started a new milestone in a project, keep people in the loop and this will help generate buzz for your audience! Just keep in mind: all noise has an impact.
  4. Find Highly Targeted Connections:
    • Finding highly targeted connections and prospects is the key to succeeding at LinkedIn marketing. LinkedIn is a platform to build your network and relationships. You need to make sure you are connecting with the right business professionals for your industry prior to any sort of outreach strategy.
  5. Creating Valuable and Optimized Content:
    • While you post, you can reach people through hashtags. People can follow hashtags too, and LinkedIn will keep your hashtag in the trending section if you provide valuable content related to the topic. Through this, you can cater to an extremely niche audience – the ones who care to read about a certain topic.
  6. Post Consistently and At Optimized Times:
    • Staying relevant on LinkedIn is all about posting consistently and at the best time of the day. Depending on your audience, the best time to post can vary greatly. Use metric data, and trial runs to see what posting times call for the best engagement rates. As you fine tune this, you will better be able to provide users with the experience and content that they want and enjoy.
  7. Join LinkedIn Groups:
    • By searching for groups that belong to your industry, you can make highly professional connections. Groups are the places where you can jump to create conversations based on your understanding and experience in your niche. You will be able to share your own ideas, thoughts, skills, ask and answer questions – all with the people who actually care and are attentive to what you have to say. As part of a LinkedIn group, your business can gain crucial insight into customer trends and industry messaging, essential for tweaking your own outreach approach before it’s too late. And even if you aren’t connected with fellow group members, you can still message those users while getting around the costs of LinkedIn Mail, allowing you to interact with your target demo and build relationships while also maximizing your LinkedIn budget.
  8. Stay Away From Overpromoting:
    • Although LinkedIn is an excellent place to promote career switches, milestones, or upcoming projects, using too much time to promote yourself can become counterintuitive. You want to stay active and relevant amongst your following, but do not become overbearing or annoying.
  9. Keep An Eye on the Analytics:
    • The numbers and statistics always tell the truth at the end of the day. If you want an accurate inducement of how your LinkedIn marketing is going, you need to keep track of the metrics and make sure they are shedding light on your

LinkedIn Marketing

Overall, LinkedIn is a great platform to generate viable leads, build your network, or seek new career opportunities. As Digital Marketing teams grow and gain expertise of the platforms, LinkedIn marketing has become a highly-sought tactic and service.

The LinkedIn Digital Marketing tips discussed above will help you develop a solid and executable sales funnel using LinkedIn marketing. Hopefully some of these tips help you in your Digital Marketing strategy. If you are every looking to help with LinkedIn lead generation, feel free to reach out today!

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